Dr. Adnan Kisa received his doctorate from Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine-USA, and has been working as a professor of health policy and economics at the School of Health Sciences, Kristiania University College, Norway. Dr. Kisa has an extensive global health and policy research experience focusing on health administration, health and economic development, health services utilization, comparative health systems, cost of illness, the cost-effectiveness of interventions in healthcare, and health outcomes research. Dr. Kisa has more than 200 peer-reviewed published articles, books, book chapters, research reports in health policy and economics, and member of many international health institutions, scientific boards, and editorial boards. Dr. Kisa was the Principle Investigator of the “Turkish National Burden of Disease and Cost Effectiveness Project”, is the principal investigator of “Leadership and Communication Styles of Country Leaders in the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Project”, and is a collaborator for the Global Burden of Disease-Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the UW-Seattle-USA, “WHO-Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Project”, “WHO-Adherence to Long-term Therapies Project”, “WHO-World Health Survey”, and the Value of Vaccination Research Network at the Harvard University. Dr. Kisa has received numerous awards and recognition related to teaching, research, and service throughout his career. Dr. Kisa is also holding an adjunct professorship position at Tulane University.