Prof. Denny John
25-Jun-2023 12:00 AM 1216

Prof. Denny John is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Evidence Synthesis". He is currently working as Research Methodologist, Centre for Public Health Research, Kolkata; and Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Life and Allied Health Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru.
Prior to this, he was Principal-Evidence Synthesis, PharmaQuant, a healthcare consulting firm based in Kolkata. From 2017-2020, he was Evidence Synthesis Specialist, Campbell South Asia (Regional Centre of Campbell Collaboration), where he mentored and led several systematic reviews and evidence and gap maps in the field of public health. He has trained participants in India, Nepal, Ghana, Germany and UK in the field of evidence synthesis, economic evaluation, and health technology assessment. He is Chair, Campbell & Cochrane Economic Methods Group (CCEMG), Co-Chair, Early Career Network, Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi); Advisory Member, Disability Coordinating Group, Campbell Collaboration; President-Elect, The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)- India Chapter, and Member, Society for Research Synthesis Methods (SRSM). He has also been associated as Adjunct Scientist, National Institute of Medical Statistics, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), where he engaged in research/training on evidence synthesis, health economics, and health technology assessment in India. He currently serves as Expert Member in Advisory Boards of World Health Organisation (WHO) and ICMR.
Denny has published over 120 academic peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in a wide array of academic journals and presses. Among others, he coordinated the Special Issue on ‘HTA in Asian Region’ for International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care in 2019. He was on the Editorial Board for ‘Evidence, policy, impact: WHO guide for evidence-informed decision making’, published by World Health Organization in 2021. In 2022, he has co-authored a book ‘Beginners Guide to Systematic Reviews: A step-by-step guide to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analysis’ published by ICMR. In 2022 he was listed among top 2% most cited in public health as per Standford list. He has been involved with over 30 evidence synthesis products (systematic review, evidence and gap map, scoping review, evidence summary, and policy brief)
Denny is Associate Editor for Systematic Reviews, BMC Public Health, and Cost-Effectiveness and Resource Allocation journals. Denny has been awarded several international and national grants from government and funding bodies. He participates extensively in academic activities, conducts innovative research training activities, and provides teaching programs nationally and overseas. He supervised a number of master and doctoral students nationally and abroad.
Highlights include; over 15 years of engagement in healthcare management, public health, health economics, evidence synthesis and health technology assessment in various countries (e.g. India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, and USA) through research, fieldwork and consulting experiences. He was a Commonwealth Scholarship recipient for his MPH studies at University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Denny has a Bachelors Degree in Physiotherapy, MBA in Hospital Management from IIHMR, Jaipur, MPH from University of Auckland, and current an external PhD candidate at Maastricht University, Netherlands.


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