Dr. Sarath Lekamwasam is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka, qualified with MBBS, MD (Medicine) and PhD (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam). He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians London, Hon Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians, Hon Fellow of the South Afrian College of Physicins and Hon Fellow of the Parkistan College of Physicinas & Surgeons. His research interests include metabolic bone diseases, fragilty fracture and elderly care. Dr. Lekamwasam is currently engaged in research related to osteoporosis, sarcopenia, fracture and falls. He is also interested in human behavior in the use of antibiotics without a prescriotion at community level.
Prof. Sarath Lekamwasam has held various positions in the past such as Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Chairperson of the Board of Study Medicine (PGIM), President of the Galle Medical Association (2004), President of Ruhuna Faculty of Medicine Teachers’Association (2004), President of Osteoporosis Sri Lanka(2010-2012) amd President of Sri Lankan Geriatric Association. Some of his achievements include establishing the first DXA machine in Sri Lanka in 1998 and the Center for Metabolic Bone Diseases in the Department of Medicine, Galle. He was also a Commonwealth Fellow 2000-2001: Department of Medicine, Cambridge University, UK. He has received several awards for his research work such as CNAPT award by the Sri Lanka Medical Association for the best medical research in Sri Lanka in 2004 and Presidential awards for Scientific Research in July 2010. He has also given several orations/keynote speeches in the past.